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3 Tips to Prep for Breast Implants

Preparing for breast implants involves more than deciding on a surgeon or implant material. Ensuring that your recovery is stress-free is just as important. While this may not seem vital in the days leading up to your breast procedure, these tips may help with a smoother recovery. Here are 3 tips to make your life easier after surgery.

#1 Food Prep for Recovery

Making meal arrangements ahead of time can help you during recovery. Right after surgery, cooking meals in the kitchen will be difficult. Your focus will be on healing. This is where pre-made meals are important. Determine the length of your recovery and prep meals in advance. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help with food or other tasks because heavy lifting and strain should be avoided immediately after your surgery.

#2 Make Your Home Comfortable

After the operation, your body will need time to rest, relax, and adjust to the changes. Cleaning up your home and keeping your essentials close by can make your post-op life easier.

#3 Keep Clothing Simple

After the procedure, wear clothing for comfort and ease of removal. Loose, baggy clothing that is easily removed with buttons or zippers helps avoid possible discomfort from lifting clothing overhead.

Your Recovery can be a Peaceful One

These useful tips can help you enjoy a more restful recovery after surgery. If you are considering taking the first step towards breast augmentation, schedule a consultation with Dr. John Sherman, a plastic surgeon patients have trusted for over 30 years!