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Choosing the Best Breast Implants for Your Surgery

There is always that most important decision you need to make right before you schedule your breast augmentation – saline or silicone breast implants? While most [primary_city] patients know by now there are two types of breast implants used across the United States.

Saline breast implants are comprised of a sterile saltwater solution similar to the water weight in our bodies. Silicone breast implants are prefilled with silicone gel. Both options offer the same aesthetic enlargement from breast surgery, but there are a number of differences that women consider before going through breast augmentation.

Although it is difficult to tell when looking at other patients’ breast implants there are differences between silicone and saline. First let’s take a look at silicone implants. The most popular advantage is the feel of silicone implants over saline. Semi-solid gel or cohesive gel are the most popular solutions used for silicone implants and greatly eliminate the risks of leakage and capsular contracture.

Saline breast implants also promote several advantages. Saline implants, as mentioned before are made of a silicone shell but filled with sterile saltwater. Silicone implants usually demand a larger incision for placement, whereas saline implants are inserted through the breast cavity empty and then filled.

This means that the implants are adjustable during the procedure to allow the surgeon to achieve near-perfect symmetry. However, saline implants are more prone to cause ripples and folds under the skin making the breasts unnatural in appearance at times.

Even though both types of implants are not guaranteed to prevent rupture or deflation, neither implants cause serious or long-term health issues. Though most American women turn to the likes of silicone implants, saline is still a choice for women who are less likely to take severe impact in the chest areas.

America’s Breast Implant Preference

Breast augmentation is still the most popular cosmetic procedure performed in America with both types of implants utilized. However, more women lean towards silicone breast implants. As per the statistics report published by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, silicone breast implants were used in 72 percent of breast augmentations performed in 2013. While saline implants were used in only 28 percent of procedures. Since women are inclined to decide on what they see and feel when it comes to implants you may be able to choose which implant works well for your body.

Which Style of Breast Implants Will You Choose?

Every patient is allowed to express her opinion about the look and feel of breast implants during consultation. Your aesthetic goals and expectations are important to us, so we will do our best to help you make the best choice for your procedure, whether it is saline or silicone implants. Schedule your consultation to discuss your breast implant options.