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What is a Liquid Facelift?

For some patients, a surgical facelift is the most effective way to turn back the clock and restore their youthful appearance. For others, surgery may not be imminent just yet. For those with mild to moderate signs of aging, a liquid facelift may produce the results they are looking for. This procedure can address a host of aging concerns without incisions, anesthesia or downtime.

Explaining the Liquid Lift

The liquid lift is actually a combination of injectable treatments that can be customized to the unique needs of each patient. The procedure may use both dermal fillers and neuromodulators simultaneously to achieve the best possible results.

Dermal fillers like Restylane and Juvederm work underneath the skin’s surface to shore up the underlying skin structure, smoothing away wrinkles and restoring youthful volume. Neuromodulators like Botox work by relaxing the facial muscles that lead to the formation of wrinkles when certain facial expressions are made. Dr. Sherman also offers fat transfer, which involves removing fat cells from one area of the body and transferring them to the face in a similar fashion to a dermal filler.

Candidates for the Liquid Lift

The best candidates for the liquid lift are men and women with mild to moderate signs of aging and minimal skin laxity. The procedure may be used for any and all of the following concerns:

Dr. Sherman will discuss your aesthetic goals at your consultation so he can determine the best formulations and injection placement for your specific situation.

Injectable Treatment Options

There are a number of dermal fillers that may be used in Dr. Sherman’s office:

Juvederm – This hyaluronic acid filler is used for smoothing away wrinkles around the nose and mouth and may also be used for more delicate areas like around the eyes or upper lip.

Restylane – Another hyaluronic acid filler, Restylane can also be used for wrinkles around the nose and mouth.

Voluma – This filler offers a slightly thicker texture that makes it a good choice for restoring youthful volume to areas like the midface and along the jawline.

Botox – This neuromodulator is generally used around the upper face for forehead wrinkles, frown lines and crow’s feet. The formula can also effectively lift the brow slightly to refresh the eyes and face.

Fat Transfer – Fat transfer can be used nearly anywhere dermal fillers can be administered. However, fat transfer can provide longer-lasting results.

About the Treatment

A liquid facelift usually only takes a few minutes to complete, depending on the number of injections to be administered. The procedure is nearly painless, since injections are made using a very fine needle. Patients are able to return to regular activities immediately following the procedure. Any residual bruising and swelling will like subside within a day or two.

Results of a liquid facelift are temporary, unless fat transfer is used. Dermal fillers tend to last anywhere from 6-12 months before a touch-up procedure is needed. Botox does not last quite as long, as patients usually require a subsequent treatment within 3-4 months.

If you would like to achieve a more youthful look but don’t feel ready for surgery, a liquid facelift might be the right choice for you. To learn more about this procedure, contact Dr. Sherman’s office today at [primary_phone].